Retirement Planning

Building a secure financial future requires careful planning, and when it comes to thinking about how you will spend your years beyond your working life, few things could be more important than making the right plans now to ensure your retirement years are as enjoyable as you imagine.

Nevertheless, many people underestimate just how much money they’ll need to fund their retirement years especially if they have become accustomed to a comfortable standard of living during their working lives. This is especially true of medium-to-high income earners.

Our approach to retirement planning is precise, methodical and involves:

  1. A thorough and detailed review of your current financial resources and commitments.
  2. Gaining a detailed understanding of your future lifestyle and financial goals and objectives as well as any foreseeable events that may affect your future plans.
  3. Financial modelling to forecast potential investment outcomes and income streams from various investment strategies.
  4. A review and assessment of these findings to determine an effective way forward.
  5. Consolidating our recommendations into a single strategy document for your review and consideration.

To find out more about our approach to retirement planning, please feel welcome to contact us.

Crest Financial Advice